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Seasonal Growth of Shoots and Leaves of Introduced Species Syringa L. (Oleaceae Hoffmg. & Link.) in South Karelia. C. 24–34

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Section: Biology




Ivan T. Kishchenko*
*Petrozavodsk State University (Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation)


The paper presents the results of the studies conducted in 2010 in the Botanic Garden of Petrozavodsk State University (South Karelia, a middle taiga subzone). The growth of shoots and leaves of the studied species of the genus Syringa L. begins in late May − early June; and the differences in the timing between the species can vary from 5 to 18 days. First, the shoots growing ends in S. vulgaris var. Congo (25 June), and in other species – 7–14 days later; the leaves growth ends almost simultaneously – (25–28 June). The time of maximum growth of shoots in different species varies within two weeks. The fastest phase occurs in S. vulgaris (25 May – 8 June). The highest daily gain is observed in shoots of S. villosa − 1.5 mm. The maximum leaf growth in all studied species occurs almost simultaneously (18– 25 June). At this time the largest daily gain is observed in leaves of S. × henryi − 26 mm2. Depending on the species the duration of the shoots formation varies from 19 to 43 days, and leaves – from 14 to 18 days. The length of mature shoots (2.6–24.7 cm) varies almost by 10 times, and the leaf area (8.0–25.0 cm2) – by 3 times. Between the intensity of shoots and leaves increment of the studied species Syringa and the dynamics of the temperature and solar radiation can be traced the weak and average positive dependence. The 16 years’ research reveals that the highest prospects of introduction (100 points) are characteristic for S. vulgaris, and the lowest (77 points) – for S. vulgaris var. Congo.


introduction, Syringa, growth of shoots and leaves, environmental factor, South Karelia
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